Monday, September 17, 2012

Being Creative

Creative: having the quality or power of creating; resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; originative; productive ( Most people think being creative has to be a new crafty project or something similiar, but as the definition states there really are no parameters. I believe being creative can be anything you want to create or do, just trying something new or adding a new twist to something you already have. To be creative, I chose to try a new recipe. I have over 400 pins on my recipe board on Pinterest and decided to finally try one, Strawberry Sheet Cake. For most cakes I just use a mix out of the box because they taste great to me and whenever I try to make one from scratch they do not taste near as good. That changed this time, the cake turned out great! I have never had a recipe turn out so perfect. I felt I was being extra creative trying a recipe without my KitchenAid mixer. I really should try being creative more often!


  1. My mouth is watering - especially that last photo. YUM!!! I like that you talk about creativity having no parameters...I think we are all creative, but don't always see it in ourselves. I really need that recipe :-)

    1. Whoops! with the coloring of my text or something it doesn't show it but I have several links posted in the paragraph including the recipe! It shows them when you scroll your mouse over the text.

  2. Yummy!!! I chose to bake something too!!! I love being creative and trying out new recipes. I guess I should start trying out more of my Pinterest recipes too!!! I have sooo many. I usually find myself on Pinterest killing time while waiting for the bus to get to and from classes. ahaha
